Making waves in the blue carbon space

TET’s Core & Restore Blue Carbon pilot project has been hailed as a “revolution”. It’s been three years since TET and the Waimea Inlet Forum launched New Zealand’s first blue carbon workshop. Most people had never heard of blue carbon, the carbon stored in the plants and sediments of coastal and marine ecosystems. But by […]
Blue Carbon ‘Core & Restore’ videos

‘Core and Restore’ is a community based initiative with plans to measure, protect and restore blue carbon habitats across Te Tauihi (the top of the South Island). Watch these amazing videos to find out more… Introducing the Core & Restore Blue Carbon Project The Core & Restore Blue Carbon Project Launch Core & Restore Blue […]
Core & Restore: A project with depth

A Core & Restore dawn gathering at Onetahua/Farewell Spit opened the door to deeper connections. Lauren Walker believes in the power of connection and communication. A born networker, she was already working hard to build relationships with stakeholder groups on TET’s blue carbon Core & Restore project long before she officially took on the role […]
Our blue carbon Core and Restore project has officially launched!

TET’s coastal blue carbon project, Core and Restore, launched on 29 November with a dawn celebration on the shores of Waimeha/Waimea Inlet. The chorus of morning bird call joined with a karakia offered by Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, and enthusiastic words of support from both Mayor Rachel Reese and Helen Kettles, DOC’s national estuaries […]
Nelson Tasman hosts NZ’s first blue carbon workshop

1 September 2020 Media ReleaseFor immediate distribution “From backyard dump to somewhere special,” was one participant’s vision for Nelson-Tasman’s estuaries at New Zealand’s inaugural Blue Carbon Workshop last Friday. Twenty-five representatives from local business, government, community conservation and other stakeholder groups attended the workshop at the Headingly Centre, Richmond to learn about natural carbon sequestration in […]