MPI launch of Motueka Catchment Collective funding

The official announcement of the MPI Sustainable Land Use funding for the Motueka Catchment Collective (MCC) took place at Shedwood Hall, Tapawera on the 2nd June. Over 100 people packed into Tapawera’s Shedwood Hall to celebrate new funding for the Motueka Catchment Collective. Minister of Agriculture, Damien O’Connor, came to announce $870,000 of funding towards […]
Take the JUMP to tackle climate action in Tasman and Nelson regions

Research shows we can reduce emissions by more than a quarter just by making a handful of specific lifestyle changes and creating a society of less stuff, and more joy. The seven “shifts” are part of a new Take The Jump (Kia Māia te Peke) initiative being piloted by the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum. It […]
Kelly’s Conservation Forest – the seen and unseen

Nestled in the hills of Nelson’s Enner Glynn is a thriving embodiment of the practice of kaitiakitanga: the protection and stewardship of the natural environment. For almost 40 years, Lindy Kelly and her now late husband Joe, have perfected their kaitiakitanga over an area of native bush now known as Kelly’s Conservation Forest. It is […]
Banded Rail and red bands

The fourth bi-annual Banded Rail survey took place on a sunny September Sunday morning on the shores of the Waimea Inlet. Some volunteers wore gumboots, others opted for sneakers. All were eager to get stuck into the survey transects and spy the elusive Banded Rail. Like detectives, we were hunting for clues to their whereabouts […]
Core & Restore: A project with depth

A Core & Restore dawn gathering at Onetahua/Farewell Spit opened the door to deeper connections. Lauren Walker believes in the power of connection and communication. A born networker, she was already working hard to build relationships with stakeholder groups on TET’s blue carbon Core & Restore project long before she officially took on the role […]
Restoring the Moutere fencing contract complete

With more than 51km of new fencing laid across 56 different properties in just 20 months, Restoring the Moutere’s recently-completed fencing contract was EPIC! This story begins with an acknowledgment of the late Dr Bernard Simmons, Resource Scientist (Land) for Tasman District Council. Bernard did all the groundwork and created the platform for the funding of […]
2022 Battle for the Banded Rail planting dates

Planting season 2022 – it’s going to be a big one! And Battle for the Banded Rail, always supremely well-organised, has published all its Waimeha/Waimea Inlet planting dates for the entire season. Check it out: Download a pdf file here. The first planting session is Sunday, 29 May in Mapua. The session goes from 9am […]
Our blue carbon Core and Restore project has officially launched!

TET’s coastal blue carbon project, Core and Restore, launched on 29 November with a dawn celebration on the shores of Waimeha/Waimea Inlet. The chorus of morning bird call joined with a karakia offered by Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, and enthusiastic words of support from both Mayor Rachel Reese and Helen Kettles, DOC’s national estuaries […]
Ngatimoti School Trap Builders: The Video!

Last year we sent our roving reporter to Ngatimoti School to hang out with some Year 8 students as they learnt how to build predator traps for Farmers For Whio. In a year of great local conservation stories, this was one of our favourites. So we took the recorded interviews, added some awesome images from […]
2022 Battle for the Banded Rail plant releasing dates

Its time to get those plants out from under the weeds ! And Battle for the Banded Rail, always supremely well-organised, has published all its Waimeha/Waimea Inlet plant releasing dates for the next 3 months. Check it out: Download a pdf file here. Please remember to bring gloves, any special tools you like to use […]
Onetahua Restoration: A vision for a thriving wildlife habitat

The Onetahua Restoration Project got off to a flying start in September when the Minister of Conservation announced that Predator Free 2050 is releasing $3 million of funding for pest eradication in the Farewell Spit region. This bold ambition is a long-term shared community vision to enable future generations the chance to enjoy a wealth […]
Lost and Found – The Travelling Trap

Flood Residents living close to the Motueka River and its tributaries awoke on the morning of the 17th July to flooding that rivalled anything witnessed for over 30 years. The persistent rains from a moist northerly airflow combined with snowmelt on the Wharepapa Range to swell the Motueka River from it’s normal flow of around […]
2021 Battle for the Banded Rail planting dates

Planting season has begun! And Battle for the Banded Rail, always supremely well-organised, has published all its Waimeha/Waimea Inlet planting dates for the entire season. Check it out: Download a pdf file here. The first planting session is this coming Sunday, 23 May 2021 at the Stringer Embankment on Bronte Peninsula. The weather’s meant to […]
Student Volunteer Army aiming to plant 1,000+ trees at Neimann Creek

Media release for immediate distribution 22 April 2021 On 7 May 2021, 80 members of Christchurch’s Student Volunteer Army (SVA) will be piling into vans and heading to Nelson for a weekend of hard yakka. Their first mission: to plant 1,000+ native trees along Neimann Creek in under three hours. Breanna Greaney of SVA’s events […]
Farmers for Whio: building predator traps at Ngatimoti School

During Whio Awareness Month, Farmers for Whio representative Barry Burger visited Ngatimoti School in Tasman to give students hands-on experience with building predator traps. We sent our reporter along for a look. It’s 8:50am and Ngatimoti School’s Room 5 teacher, Malcolm Hepburn, is marshalling, delegating and multi-tasking like a high-level CEO. He’s clearly in his […]
Finding whio ducklings on the Graham

In a season that didn’t bode well for whio ducklings, sighting two of them on the Graham River last month was a welcome relief. Whio/blue ducks are tough. Fast-flowing alpine rivers are their thing. Their babies are expert at navigating white water from just a day old but even these staunch little dudes have their […]
Nelson Tasman hosts NZ’s first blue carbon workshop

1 September 2020 Media ReleaseFor immediate distribution “From backyard dump to somewhere special,” was one participant’s vision for Nelson-Tasman’s estuaries at New Zealand’s inaugural Blue Carbon Workshop last Friday. Twenty-five representatives from local business, government, community conservation and other stakeholder groups attended the workshop at the Headingly Centre, Richmond to learn about natural carbon sequestration in […]