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Nelson Botanical Society welcomes anyone with an interest in native plants to join their activities, from complete beginners to those with knowledge to share. Members include expert botanists and other enthusiasts who are generous with their knowledge and can help you to identify native plants.
DOC is the NZ government department tasked with protecting New Zealand’s natural and historic heritage.
The core purpose of Landcare Research to drive innovation in the management of terrestrial biodiversity and land resources.
Birds New Zealand is committed to the study of birds and their habitat use within New Zealand.
Formed in 1923, Forest & Bird has about 70,000 supporters in 50 branches that work on a variety of conservation activities, from re-forestation to lobbying, bird monitoring to weed-busting.
Project Crimson was established In partnership with the Department of conservation to fight for the survival of the pohutukawa.
Fish & Game NZ manages, maintains and enhances sports fish and game birds and their habitats, in the best long-term interests of present and future generations of anglers and hunters
The NZBS encourages the study of botany and disseminates knowledge about, and encourage interest in, the flora of New Zealand.
Nature Space, a website for groups, individuals and landowners undertaking ecological restoration in New Zealand has an excellent resource page. It’s full of helpful advice, guides and links
The goals of the BPCT are to promote the conservation and enhancement of indigenous biodiversity and sustainable land management on Banks Peninsula.
Bay Conservation Alliance supports Community led conservation in the Bay of Plenty.
Biodiversity Hawke’s Bay is committed to working with our communities, agencies and businesses to ensure that Hawke’s Bay’s biodiversity is enhanced, healthy and functioning.
Wild for Taranaki is the Taranaki Biodiversity Trust, a regional hub supporting the conservation and restoration efforts of over 45 member groups and organisations across Taranaki.
Charities Commission No. CC34055 | Privacy Policy | © 2025, website designed with ❤️by Avoca Web Design