TET’s 2022 AGM

gathering of Restoring the Moutere residents at Jester House

TET Reflects on another successful year of connecting communities with conservation.

Nau mai nga hua

Nau mai nga pai

Nau mai kia nui

Kia Hawere ai

Welcome all things that have grown

Welcome all things that are good

May they be plentiful and abundant

AGM opens with a karakia from Chair, Gillian Bishop

This year’s AGM, held at the Richmond Library, was well attended with project representatives all eager to share their progress over the year that’s been.

After opening the AGM with a moving karakia, Chair Gillian Bishop described the year as ‘pleasing and successful’, and told us that despite COVID restraints and impacts from storms, the project portfolio of TET continues to grow with the organisation consistently delivering on its project goals.

Community at heart

This Kanuka Glen image was generously offered to TET in a social media giveaway

Gillian underlined the importance of TET’s Hub service work in supporting projects at all stages with funding and personnel.

“it’s not good enough to plant now and walk away”

Gillian Bishop

Community is at the heart of TET’s ethos. Securing biodiversity gains are achieved through the sustained conservation efforts of communities and volunteers, which means engaging in a way that includes them in all stages of the mahi. Gillian took a moment to thank TET’s sponsors and trustees and acknowledge the long service of Gavin O’Donnell as deputy-Chair and Federated Farmers representative, who is stepping down from both roles.

Impressive outcomes

The fact that the Trust has made no less than 18 funding applications this year and written 58 reports to funders, is a good insight into the pace at which the organisation is moving.  Kathryn Brownlie, our treasurer, reflected on growth in recent years, noting a more than 10-fold increase in financial transactions, compared to 2016. Collectively, our project groups are producing some impressive stats. The number of pests trapped has reached 3,860 this financial year, while 175,757 plants have been put in the ground in the same time frame. 

Next was a chance to hear from some of the groups about their challenges and successes during the presentation section of the evening.

Some project highlights

Battle for the Banded Rail

Tracey Murray/Kathryn Brownlie from Battle for the Banded Rail shared some big wins from the project with 1,332 pests being captured throughout the year. The project is making strides with their community engagement by involving schools in planting and trapping days in addition to their regular ‘grown up’ planting days!

Wakapuaka Mouri

Despite the impact of two flooding events, Wakapuaka Mouri are happy to report that they are ahead of schedule with their planting. After the August flooding, project lead Sophia Bisdee described the sight of silt-bound plants as ‘pretty grim’.

Undeterred by the floods, the team, assisted by trainee rangers mucked in (or out rather), to save much of the fragile plantlife.

Nelson Tasman Climate Forum

Chris Wheatley from the Nelson Tasman Climate Forum talked us through a social marketing campaign aimed at persuading the public to make six key shifts in behaviours that contribute to climate change such as how we travel and what we consume. The UK based Take The Jump campaign, is being tailored for a New Zealand audience and so naturally they’ve added a seventh shift that includes the biodiversity of Aotearoa,  and just because we’re special!

Pest Free Onetahua

Murray Wilson from Pest Free Onetahua checked in. The team are working hard on nailing down their operational plan and gearing up for their ambitious task of ridding Onetahua Farewell Spit of dangerous pests.

A big highlight for PFO was learning more about Te Ao Māori perspectives in relation to Predator Free at a workshop hosted by Korehāhā Whakahau in Whakatane.

Credit: Murray Wilson

Friends of Snowden’s Bush

The Friends of Snowden’s Bush are taking things up a gear with designs to turn the toilet block in the reserve into a rainwater collection point to assist with watering young plants in the drier months. The group also have plans to erect some signage and to educate the public on the significance of the ancient forest block.

Project Mōhua

Sukie Conley, Project Mōhua coordinator, reports that total plantings for the year numbered an impressive 7,497, a significant increase on last year’s plantings, despite setbacks suffered by storms.

Our board – farewells and welcomes

As the board says goodbye to Gavin O’Donnell, who is moving away from the area, we welcome Sue Brown as the board’s new Federated Farmers representative.

Mirka Langford has moved on due to other work commitments and the Board welcomes Pouārahi/Manager of Manawhenua ki Mōhua, Ursula Passl. Scott Burnett has joined the board as the new Nelson Marlborough Conservation Board representative.

In keeping with our commitment to sustainability, and before parting ways for the evening we enjoyed a chat over some delicious homemade kai, with not a store-bought item in sight!   

Although our expertise is in connecting communities with conservation, we sometimes forget how nice it is to connect with each other.

Our 2022 Annual Report can be accessed HERE

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