Roding River/Aniseed Valley Catchment Group

Roding river 1

This group is working towards improving the health of the Roding River by monitoring water quality and ecosystem health and carrying out riparian planting and pest and weed control. The catchment boundary extends from Roding Dam to the Lee River confluence.

Currently they are working with Tasman District Council to improve the river reserves for the wider community to enjoy. There is potential to use the reserves to showcase their efforts and educate the community on what’s happening to improve the local environment. The hope is to introduce and protect some rare fauna and improve biodiversity in the catchment area. The group is working with a range of stakeholders, including TDC, NCC, DOC, forestry companies, private landowners and funding groups to achieve these improvements.

The group was started by a small number of keen volunteers who are in it for the long haul! Their vision is for their children and the wider community to inherit a healthy river and a thriving catchment. They also hope their passion for nature conservation will inspire their children and the wider community.

There are currently no events.
J6JV+W7 Aniseed Valley, New Zealand

Sarah Douglas – [email protected]

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