Wakapuaka Mouri

new native planting with cardboard plant guards at Wakapuaka Nelson

The Wakapuaka  catchment, including the Wakapuaka River and Delaware Bay estuary, 15km north-east of Nelson City, is an important area for the Nelson community for swimming, picnicking, bird watching, kayaking, fishing and shellfish gathering.  

Original land clearance in the conversion to farms and forestry accelerated the loss of forest and wetland habitats, degrading their quality over generations. The lack of riparian vegetation, limited access and negative downstream effects prompted the local landowners to take action.

The largest restoration project in Nelson on private land is now aiming to plant 13 hectares with over 70,000 natives in riparian margins, introduce extensive predator control measures, and manage weeds.

Wakapuaka Mouri project is set to meet all its Ministry for the Environment funding objectives.  We have planted over 55,000 trees (as at March 2024), have the area fully fenced off, built a track and are trapping predators. We also have a nursery growing plants from seed to contribute to the project. We had a huge flood in August 2022 which did set the project back but we can now see the start of a new lowland forest growing.    If you would like to get involved  in any way please contact [email protected]

This project was featured in the Nelson Mail/Stuff on 6 January 2021. Read the full story here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/environment/123911357/river-restoration-project-part-of-mini-national-park-vision-north-of-nelson

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Wakapuaka Mouri logo
22 Maori Pa Road, Delaware Bay 7071, New Zealand

Sophia Bisdee

[email protected]

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